Gilmore Girls is on Netflix. Consider your schedule filled.

By Friday, October 3, 2014 0 Permalink

Dan and I are about to embark on a journey through Stars Hollow. All seven seasons of Lorelai, Rory, Michel, Luke, and Sookie. Gilmore Girls was one of my favorite shows as a teen because it was so relevant. Today we just don’t have many television shows about relatable people with regular lives. Today shows are either crazy over the top, supernatural, or stuff like Switched at Birth, Finding Carter, Faking It, etc. Only one recent show really comes to mind as filling that Gilmore Girls void, Bunheads. Bunheads was about really sweet high-school ballerinas and their wacky ballet instructor who were all trying to find themselves. The show covered problems that both teens and people in their 20s/30s could relate to and was made by the same creator as Gilmore Girls. So what happened to Bunheads? It got cancelled after only 1 season :( I could go into a huge rant about how great that show was and why tv shows these day are subpar and how many great shows get cancelled, but I’ll hold in my vitriol and continue with my ode to Gilmore Girls, the last great smart girly show.

CAUTION! SPOILER ALERT! Before you read this please know that the gifs don’t really give away much but they give away some stuff. And stay away from #10 if you haven’t watched the show. 


GILMORE GIRLS! I’m so ready. Gimme all the fast talking, the caffeine obsession, small town crazies, unlimited family drama, boy drama, what am I doing with my life drama. All of it. My only hope is that more people make Gilmore Girls gifs. There are just so many random, quotable, memorable moments. So here are some reasons why I love Gilmore Girls and why you should too.

Babette gif | Gilmore Girls is on Netflix. Consider your schedule filled.

1. Stars Hollow. The small town where everyone knows each other and is up in everyone’s business. This might sound terrifying but I find it kinda comforting. Like a big extended family full of crazies and loyal friends. Specifically quirky Babette, gossip lover Miss Patty, and the very unusual Kirk. I wanted move to a small town in Connecticut because of this show.

Paris and Rory gif | Gilmore Girls is on Netflix. Consider your schedule filled.

2. Validation that spending a lot of time chilling on the couch watching movies with your loved ones is the best way to spend an evening. Especially if it involves food.

Lorelai Gilmore pizza gif | Gilmore Girls is on Netflix. Consider your schedule filled.

3. Eating is encouraged. Basically I enjoyed that these girls did not worry about eating or their weight. Of course they were blessed with some good genes that allowed them to gorge on pizza and not feel bad about it, but they unapologetically ate what they wanted!

Rory loves books gif | Gilmore Girls is on Netflix. Consider your schedule filled.

4. Gilmore Girls made it cool to be well read. Rory was a female character that wasn’t a nerd, wasn’t one of the popular girls, but could hold her own in any crowd. She’s smart and doesn’t cover up some of her dorkier tendencies. Personally, Rory was a refreshing non-cliché.

Michel people are stupid gif | Gilmore Girls is on Netflix. Consider your schedule filled.

5. The attitude was spot on. One of the most entertaining characters is Michel who is especially prickly. Even rewatching almost 15 years later Michel’s quips are exactly like what I say in my head. #nofilter

Lorelai loves pup</a><noscript><img loading=Lorelai and Rory gif | Gilmore Girls is on Netflix. Consider your schedule filled.

7. The relationship between Lorelai and Rory; maybe being best friends with your Mom isn’t the best idea ever, especially when it comes to her being the Mom and you being the child but I will forever love this relationship.

Lorelai and Emily fighting gif | Gilmore Girls is on Netflix. Consider your schedule filled.

8. Gilmore Girls wasn’t all about perfect parent-child relationships. Lorelai’s relationship with her parents is super complicated and still feels realistic, and even Lorelai and Rory go through some rough patches.

Rory Gilmore pop culture reference gif | Gilmore Girls is on Netflix. Consider your schedule filled.

9. It has oodles of obscure pop culture references. This gif doesn’t even do it justice. I swear half the show is pop culture references. The only show that did it better was Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Jess Mariano gif | Gilmore Girls is on Netflix. Consider your schedule filled.

10. Jess Mariano. I’m team Jess. Team Jess all the way. He, although at times a jackass, was the right choice for Rory. I haven’t seen all of the seasons but Logan was completely wrong for Rory, at least the Rory that I liked. She became unlikeable in later seasons. But Jess. Because they had chemistry and wanted each other to succeed. They were meant to be.

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